Everything on earth works by time, there is a set time for every promise, prophecy and vision. This means that there is an appointed time for your dream to manifest. I understand it can get frustrating when you make plans and they don’t fall through especially when you see everyone around you moving forward. However, you have to understand that our lives function just like the natural world.
Whenever a seed is planted, the seed dies before a harvest can take place but as the seed is planted, the season and the harvest will, in due time emerge if it is kept in the ground and cared for properly. This is the same scenario that applies to the plans we make for our lives and perhaps the most difficult lesson for believers, waiting on God. Also, just the same way we might all get into a bus at the same time, we all have different times and stops to get off. No matter how impatient or in a hurry you are, the bus can only get to your stop when it gets there.
When we get a prophecy, many of us believe it should manifest by the next day and when that doesn’t happen we get frustrated and even start doubting God. But I want to encourage you to remember there is a process and oftentimes it involves patience and diligently waiting on God for your set time. Every plan, dream, seed and every promise must go through this process. Someone once said that just as there is a due date for a pregnant woman to give birth, there is also an appointed time for your promise, but do not expect to give birth without going through any pain. As Hannah bore in her womb the Prophet Samuel nine months before birth, so shall you and I bear in our spiritual wombs the message of the Lord, the vision until the right season.