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Women in leadership

God created Adam first before Eve and then, later on, realised that it wasn’t good for Adam to be alone, hence the creation of Eve from Adam’s rib. The idea was to form a union and companionship. Later on, the serpent fooled Eve into eating the forbidden fruit, and she convinced Adam too. God banished them from the garden as a punishment for defying His command.

I want to use this story from the bible to show how powerful a woman can lead and control. One may wonder why the serpent went to Eve first before Adam. The answer is simple, a woman’s heart can be easily attracted and convinced by anything if it’s not strong enough to rebuke such. Many women have fallen victim to certain things as they cannot gather enough willpower to resist. Be a woman who doesn’t allow the devil to deceive you or sin against God only because you’re being told how good it will be. Consider the bad part as well before making any move.

This story also shows that women have the power to change how we perceive things. A woman can do anything and is capable of building or breaking her future, and if not careful, those around her can be affected. As said in the bible, Adam and Eve were obedient to God up, and until the serpent came to deceive them, you can be a good woman today, but you need to sharpen and shine your crown so well by becoming a female alpha at fighting circumstances. Challenges will come, YES, and we can never run away from them.

I need women who can say NO to deceitful things, women who can stand and show resilience. Women who can lead their men to light, not darkness, women who pray for a discernment spirit to identify serpents. Women who are capable of fighting the enemy with or without men. Women can be anything in this world by having a lion’s heart.

This world needs women that are capable of doing what men think they cannot do. Women who can tackle challenges and take on posts that are considered masculine. Leadership positions like those taken on by Kamala Harris, the first black female to be the Vice President of America. By so doing, we are leaving footprints of greatness and braveness. I salute independent women who face challenges and still win, single mothers raising leaders and widows who keep their families together despite their loved ones’ painful memories. These women ought to be celebrated all the time because they are the definition of bravery and tenacity. A great woman should align herself to positivity because she can stand the storm positively when things go astray. A strong woman can draw her boundaries and stick to them even if she attracts some haters. I would love to think that if Eve had followed God’s commandment, she would still be in the Garden of Eden by now.

We need women who are kind and compassionate, like First Lady Mitchell Obama, who made the white house a home for everyone. She was brave enough to stand for the girl child during her time in the white house and even still now. Now she has created a children’s show on Netflix called Waffles+ Monchi. The show is all about discovering food, cooking, and trying new recipes as an extension of her work to support children’s health. This shows that women have the capacity of doing great things on their own. The opportunities are out there; we need to think outside the box and surround ourselves with great women who instill positivity and feed our minds with the proper knowledge.

We all have been through a lot in our lives, and there is hope for us, as evidenced by Oprah’s life story. I call her Dr. Oprah Winfrey. Despite obstacles, failures, rejection, and struggles, she now stands as one of the greatest women worldwide. I got inspired; she clawed her way out of the pits of pain to be where she is now. No matter what you went through or are going through, you will conquer. You need to realise the strength in you and start moving towards your greatness.

Do what is right, be that kind of a woman with a strong heart that can never be easily tempted and affected by the things of this world. A great woman is powerful in prayer and a warrior in victory. Remember, a diamond is formed under pressure, so don’t let pain and struggles discourage you from achieving your goals. As women, we can do this together; let’s not be like Eve, who was deceived by a serpent.

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