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Where do you want to be?

Ropafadzo K. Banda explains that to get to the very end, you need to sit by yourself and do a self-meeting. She says,“I believe gurus call it meditation, where you introspect yourself, visualize the path you intend to walk, and take the first step. You shouldn't waste your time on things you are not passionate about. Yes, it's okay to try new things in the sense that you are trying to find where your passion lies, but don't take a step into a path that you see as a dead-end. Instead, take a walk on a path where you see the light at the end of the tunnel.”

Sometimes we stop going down the path we are supposed to because there might be a lot of obstacles. Well, every path is like that, even the one that you think might be the easiest to follow. They say, 'The grass always seems greener on the other side of the fence,' but then, this is how some people waste time changing paths over and over because they keep thinking they have found the right one. Therefore, examine yourself and see what you want to be doing in the next five years. Choose the path you want to tread on today and follow it until the end.

There is a famous UNESCO World Heritage site in Barcelona called the SagradaFamilia. Construction began in 1882. 129 years later, the cathedral remains unfinished! In 2011, officials estimated another 15 years will be needed to complete it. The architect AntoniGaudíwho had a great passion said,

“There is no reason to regret that I cannot finish the church. I will grow old but others will come after me. What must always be conserved is the spirit of the work, but its life has to depend on the generations it is handed down to and with whom it lives and is incarnated.”

When he had this plan in mind, he knew exactly what the plan needed for it to be a success. A clear vision allows one to ensure they know the right amount of time and resources needed to accomplish the task. Everything becomes clearer when we understand our vision, therefore take time to understand where you want to go.

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