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What do you have?

Updated: Mar 22, 2022

If you are waiting for the perfect moment, the perfect resources, or the perfect environment for you to start acting on your dreams or goals, the sad news is; that moment will never come. Life won’t give you the perfect everything, but you can work with what you’ve got and start where you are to walk the journey to get where you want to be.

Before you start wishing for things to change so you can begin acting, first, take a look at where you are and see what God has placed within and around you. The things you tend to overlook and belittle may be your way out. Moses’ rod was the one that God used to make the Red Sea part for the children of Israel to cross over. Before that, it was just a stick he used to tend his father-in-law’s sheep, and I bet never at one point did Moses think it would be of any great importance. This was the same rod that he used to do miracles and wonders in Pharaoh’s sight when God had sent him to convince Pharaoh to let the Israelites go. So, use what you have and create an environment that’s conducive for you to succeed. The things you require to start are never far away from you; look closely and find out how you can begin working towards achieving your dream.

Jacob thrived in Laban’s household in a foreign land very far away from home. Even though at some point Laban tricked him, God made it work out in his favor. He worked hard and used the opportunities that were available to him at that moment. He didn’t wait to be somewhere or to have some things so that he could begin to build his wealth. You have to start somewhere...start where you are now.

Joseph had a great future, and God had even told him about it through dreams. Just because he knew the outcome of his future did not mean that the journey was an easy one for him to get there. He was thrown into a pit by his brothers, who later sold him to some Ishmaelite traders as a slave. He was placed in Potiphar’s household, where he was accused of rape by Potiphar’s wife and was thrown into prison. After spending some time in prison, he managed to get out when the King’s butler finally remembered that Joseph could interpret dreams. In all the situations he was in, Joseph mastered the art of thriving wherever he was placed. Do the same for yourself and work on your own story. Don’t blame the environment, the resources, and don’t blame the people either. Look for a way past all those things and use what you’ve got to make it work. Grow and thrive where God has placed you.

If you are expecting someone to come and change your life story, then you’re in for a disappointment because you are in charge of your own life, your destiny. Therefore no one will come and do your work for you. God has placed you where you are right now and has also equipped you with whatever you may need for you to rise in that particular place. It’s now up to you to work and make those dreams become a reality. Make the necessary moves for you to get to where you want to be.

There are times when you question yourself concerning the situations or places you are in, thinking if you will ever make it or if things will ever change— wondering if you can reach your goal or if anything will move at all. Well, my answer to you lies in this question similar to the one that God asked Moses in the wilderness. What do you have in your hand? What do you have within you or around you? Use it because it’s there for a certain purpose. Work on the ground you’ve been planted on; don’t say anything good will come out of where you are. If that had been the case, God wouldn’t have placed you in a barren land if He knew it would not produce any yield. Clear the land, till the land and plant some seed; when the rains come, you will surely get a harvest out of it. Just take the initiative and decide to do the work. Work on the land you’ve been given. Bloom where you are planted.

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