Staying true to yourself is one of the hardest things to do I must say. It’s so easy to claim that you’re very principled and virtuous but this can only be proven by circumstances. It is much easier to hold on to your principles when everything is okay. I’ve seen some people drifting away from their faith when illness visited them. When there are challenges in their marriages and relationships, and when their jobs are on the line. When hopes shudder and the whole world is crumbling be glad and know that it is your refining moment, a true test of who you are.

I see companies display their missions, values and principles in big frames at their entrances and the very same companies being dragged in news headlines and courts for issues contrary to their virtues. We then wonder what these companies stand for; we lose our trust in them because they seem to be fraudulent and dubious. Even as individuals we make long lists of ethics and fail to live up to them. I see parents crying when they discover their children living double lives when they go to college. We may succeed for a while until we are caught unaware in the middle of a storm. We forget to prepare ourselves for the inevitable tough situations. I then realized it’s not just about what is needed to avoid certain things but also what we need to do when confronted with those situations.

Sometimes running away from situations is not always practical nor is it possible. The way others have gone about the same situation might be contrary to who you are so you need to stay calm and find your own way. Peer pressure and circumstantial pressure aren’t pressure at all if you choose to stay true to yourself. The reason why most people go through a difficult midlife crisis is that they realize they have lived half their lives living other people’s decisions and dreams. The easy way out may not be very easy. Knowing who you are and staying true to that is not easy but it is the most rewarding thing a person can do.
Peer pressure and circumstantial pressure aren’t pressure at all if you choose to stay true to yourself.
This generation does not have an identity. We are often influenced by our social media icons, our peers and anyone who may seem to be making it in life. We shy away from our reality to fit in amongst others. By trying to escape from our reality we imprison ourselves to falsehood and regret when we can actually be free by just being true to ourselves.
Stay true to yourself!