I have been to the mountain top, and the view up there is refreshing. On my quest for meaning, I realized I was searching for something I already had; the problem was I was walking with my fists clenched tight, hoping I don’t lose what I thought was all I needed. How then could I expect to learn with my mind already full, like fetching water with a cup already full, and it’s these things that start popping into your head once you reach a certain altitude.
It felt freeing being around nature and away from the carbon emissions that have become our norm; I felt at home in the midst of the jungle even if I was to see a lion, I was way too far from human civilization, I had become reclusive in the depths of solitude, the ultimate challenge wasn’t reaching the top but conquering fears and enduring the negative thoughts spiraling out of control as you near close to the destination. “Why don’t you just give up? What do you aim to achieve? Even if you do achieve something, always remember that you are not special!”
Oh gosh! You start losing yourself to the weariness; you become impatient because, for once, you can see that the top is near, but the path keeps getting difficult to navigate. But get this, there’s nothing wrong with getting rest, camping out for the night if possible, know why? Because you definitely need to be in the right frame of mind for what lies ahead in the morrow. The world’s view from an angle of elevation is beautiful. Now that you are at the top, you will find yourself filled with joy that you accomplished something but then reality hits, your thoughts go on a ranting spree. “What’s the difference? Did you have to climb all this way so you can smile?”
But this moment needs savoring; you need not a camera or any electronic gadgets. You didn’t climb this high up to take a selfie, did you? Remember the reason why you left everything and set out for this mission. We all want to reach the top, and no matter how many stories you hear about how unpleasant and lonely it is at the top, you are not ready to listen because you also want to have your bite of the pie, which is not wrong at all. But why?
What’s the real reason, what drives you to get out of bed every day? Is it the fear of being average? Or you want to prove a point to someone who once told you that you are nothing? There’s nothing wrong with planning, but there’s definitely something wrong with forgetting to live while doing so.
Tomorrow is a concept that exists in our imagination, but because you have so much you want to accomplish, you are eager to reach tomorrow. And because of that, worry and anxiety become your friends, which is why what’s more important is not being at the top but what you learn along the way to wherever you are going.