No one suffering from obesity has put on all that weight in a single day. The calories they added to their body weight was heaped up over time. You may be wondering where I am going with this narrative; let me start by taking you into my world, a world full of observations, words and God.
l have a friend who had a cactus plant; she was and still is into agriculture. One day she brought this cactus to my place, and it became mine; I adopted it. At first, I would water it every other two days, and it was doing quite well until I stopped. The results were noticeable; it dried up faster than I imagined. I had failed to be responsible enough to take care of one plant, and I am thinking of running a farm one day. With this in mind, I made a conscious decision to water the cactus every day, and the green pigment started showing up. This made me understand that this is the same with our dreams;

Do you want to be a millionaire or a billionaire, don’t forget to water your dream. Most billionaires we know today have had an idea, and they worked on it for years. The most important thing is to produce something that has value, and we need to first add value to ourselves, which is a process that takes time to achieve, like adding on weight. Billionaires are the kind of obesity that we are all after but understand they added this weight over time. Increase in knowledge first and understand the concept of becoming rather than having.

We have seen people win lotto worth a million dollars, and they end up where they were before. That shows us being a millionaire is not just about getting money but also about attracting and managing something valued at a million dollars. These are just numbers representing value, so create value. I challenge everyone who wants to be a billionaire to think about what they can do for the world and produce something valuable; you will understand that these were nothing but numbers.