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The Momentum

Many people say that Time heals everything and in this world where we all wonder what we’re doing, or what we want to do, life is just full of uncertainties. I believe our time belongs to God, whether others choose to believe it or not, every moment is His and it’s like we’re under the most solemn obligation to improve it because at the end of the day we’re required to give every account of it.

We actually have no time to waste on trivial matters or selfish pleasures, it is now that we have to prepare for our lives in the aftermath, our future and our legacies, which are all but expected to be compensated in a way. It is now that we are to form presentable characters for the future and we are to redeem time, but time wasted or squandered can never be recovered and can never be called back even for one moment, it’s all but gone. In this life we have to be vigilant and always take note of how we spend our days on earth, how we use the given time we have, because sooner or later we might not have it or run out of it and we end up regretting not using it maturely or putting it to good use.

An ancient Chinese man once said, “Time is infinite, it’s like if you waste it yourself, you’re finite.”

This clearly means that it’s you who grows old, it’s you that perishes or dies but time doesn’t, so you better make use of your limited time wisely before you expire. The most abysmal thing we can ever do with our minimal time on earth is comparing ourselves to others. You should know that each one of us has their own race to run and we are different like that but also bearing in mind that time is still the same, it never changes or takes a different shape, but our goals and perspectives of life are the ones that differ. We ought to adhere to our own personal rules and principles to guide and lead us to the appropriate use of our time because if we prioritize on it we surely won’t regret it.

Tales of time tell us that if we don’t play during our teens or don’t love and plan in the 20’s, if we don’t cherish our 30’s, 40’s, 50’s, we will only use the time left to regret so make the most of it memorable and give hope, love, kindness and cherish, appreciate the life you have, be happy and most of all make people smile, that’s a gift you have to give to the world.

Some people say you can’t go back in time and there’s no way to correct the mistakes of the past. The past is actually a funny thing because the only power it has over us is what we choose to give it. When we let go of the doubt that comes with it, the need to correct it, then the past becomes tamed. The past time and experiences will always be part of who we are, it’s how we feel about it moving forward that matters. We can choose to carry our past into our present time or leave it, it’s as simple as replacing one memory with another. Though we can’t actually go back in time and correct the past, sometimes we can get pretty close.

“So teach us to number our days that we may apply our hearts unto wisdom.” - Psalms 90:12



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