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The impact of time

To everything there is a season, and a time to every purpose under the heaven.” Ecclesiastes 3 v 1

Let me say this, in this world pandemic while the world is under lockdown, if you come out without a new skill, plan, idea, well, my friend you never lacked time but you are lacking discipline in your life. As a youth I have noticed that not everyone really understands the concept and impact of time. Putting on an expensive Rolex on your wrist doesn’t mean that you value or understand time. Some people use other people to capitalise their time, and some are used because they don’t know how to maximize and utilise their time very well.

Life is all about understanding time. Young people out there who have a desire and a burning passion to start and venture into something but then end up saying they will do it tomorrow, newsflash, tomorrow is not guaranteed. If you have a vision or a dream to fulfil, the right time to push it is now because time and chance happen to us all.

I returned and saw under the sun, that the race is not to the swift nor the battle to the strong neither yet bread to the wise, nor yet riches to men of understanding, nor yet favour to men of skill; but time and chances happens to them all.” Ecclesiastes 9 v 11

Success is all about doing things or having things that makes you happy, but there is only one effect to measure it, that is, time. The little effort that you put together day by day soon will become an empire, surround yourself with people who understand the impact and value of time. A friend who doesn’t value your time doesn’t respect your success. Thomas Edison had a vision of lighting the whole world, little did he know that with time his venture would become worldwide despite failing 1000 times, now every household has a bulb in it. Colonel Harland Sanders began selling fried chicken from his roadside restaurant in Corbin Kentucky, little did he know that by the effect of time he would be a multibillionaire with the world’s second best franchise globally. Never underestimate the impact of time on what you do, don’t lose hope because you can’t make profit, every venture needs a strong backbone and strong legs to balance on before you make money. You balance the venture and spread it out, look at one of our trending comedians, The Comic Pastor, when he started his skits people made funny of him, it wasn’t all rosy for him but consistency and patience made the time effect to make an impact on him, now he is all over social media. Yes, my friend, time will make it happen, don’t lose hope or despair, keep on going, they say a journey of a thousand miles begins with a step. The action that you make today will determine whether time will pay you or reject you. If I were you I would start today and allow the impact of time to pay back.

Young people out there, the time you have is now, stop procrastinating. Go ahead and create that app. Build that business, start that project! Sooner or later you will see the impact of time on your venture. By the age of 16 you must have a clear vision of what you want to be. When you are in your 20’s it’s not a time for experimental living but a time for purposeful living. If you are over 40, half of your life is already gone. If you’re in your 50’s, it’s time to repent and live rightful, but above all, use your time to make an impact in the world. MOVE!

This is the criteria I use to utilise time and make an impact: Motivate yourself, organize your strategy, visualize where you want to be as time goes by, execute your idea and make it a reality. Before you realise it, you will see the impact of the time you spend on that idea thereby making a fortune in your life.



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