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The Hurdles

Updated: Mar 22, 2022

I have been thinking to myself about how people fall, why people give up, and yet they had brilliant ideas and beautiful dreams which were slowly becoming a reality. So many factors came into my mind but one thing that kept ringing is ‘the hurdles’, the obstacles that people face during the process of growth.

We are all going to experience setbacks. It is never going to be a smooth road. Think of all the great people that you know of, you know their success stories, but do you know their journey? Do you know how they started, how they lost almost everything in the process and thought of giving up, how their friends and some relatives tried to talk them out of their dreams? You probably don’t know all of that because you have never given yourself time to research it. What do you use your data for? If you want to grow, use your internet for growth. Find out how your role model grew. Trust me on this one you will realize that he or she faced a lot of obstacles in the process, and those are the stepping stones that pushed them to become the person you admire today. Living in a comfort zone proscribes one from growing. The moment you face problems that is when you know that you need to get out of the zone you are in. Therefore, for every problem that you face in life, you should be grateful because it is paving the way to greatness and your growth.

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