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The Final Push

Updated: Mar 22, 2022

As the year draws to an end, people are busy running around trying to make sure they meet up their annual goals, some don't even remember what they wanted to do this year. Perhaps life carried them off course and they just lived in 2021 however without the guide of their goals. Some may have faced challenges and hardships along the way, ending up being highly discouraged to do anything about what they wanted to achieve this year. Some lost their enthusiasm along the way and they just had no strength to do anything in line with their goals. They lost their zeal to continue down the path they started when 2021 came by. Today we are exploring how ambitiousness can help you get back on course even though we are so near to closing the year off. I believe this will help even as we cross over to 2022. It will equip us to take on what 2022 has to offer us.

Map out your way forward Basically an ambitious person is a person who is motivated, determined and driven to achieve set goals and obtain success. Usually as the year starts almost everyone is geared up and very ambitious in working towards achieving their goals. As the year goes by, month in month out, that attitude or feeling may slowly fade away due to different factors. You may be one of the people who are now struggling to even look at their 2021 resolutions because there are a few or none that are ticked off as done. Do not be discouraged but rather encourage yourself to utilize the little time left to do something for yourself. Sit down and look at where you’ve been and how you’ve been going about achieving your resolutions. It is time to strategise or re-strategise and map out a plan and a way forward on how you will do these things. Do not pressure yourself, take inventory and see what you can still do in this year. What you can no longer do can be pushed off to next year after being carefully planned on how to work on it. Expand and expose yourself It’s time to look at what you have done, how you have done it and see what worked and what didn’t. Do not be afraid to take risks and try out new ways of doing things. If you keep on repeating the same methods you will keep on getting the same results. Are there things you can do differently? Are there ways you can expand yourself in? Look for better opportunities and expose yourself to different and better ways of doing things. Stop competing with other people

The mistake that many people do is to compete with other people and then get very disappointed when they get outcompeted. You need to understand that you have your own lane that you run in. The only person you should be competing with is yourself. Focus on yourself and make yourself better. Work on building your value rather than focusing on being better than the next person. Ambitiousness drives you to want to be better for yourself. Keep on working on yourself, look for and do things that add value to you. The end result is you being fully equipped to work on your resolutions. Evaluate strengths and weaknesses A soldier prepares well before going to the battlefield. He/she knows their strengths and weaknesses and those of the opponents or the enemy. Self-evaluation helps you in knowing how to use your strengths to their best potential and finding ways to be better in terms of your weaknesses. Do a personal analysis and use the results to help you in how you will work towards achieving your goals. Assess the situations you’ve been through and even your environment and see how best to exploit these elements to help you win. Build your network and support system The power that the ants and termites have is in working together and teaming up to do the work. You may not necessarily need to bring in people to help you to work on your goals but surrounding yourself with people who can encourage you and motivate you is very good. As much as goals are individualistic, your external environment matters too. It can greatly influence how you will function as an individual. Like-minded people will act as motivation and pillars of strength for you. You need to build your network and have people close by who can chip in when you need a shoulder to lean on or a helping hand. Never give up Lastly, as challenging as it can be or has been for you just keep going. Do not throw in the towel nomatter how tempting that can be. The trick in getting your results is in not giving up. It doesn’t matter that the year is about to end, be driven to utilize the little time that’s left to work on something. Be persistent, be consistent in the pursuit of your goals.



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