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The Exodus

A month ago, I initially penned one helluva note like that but with time, I felt like sailing in another direction. Umm, pardon my manners….

Aloha! It’s been a minute since we conversed. I had missed you’ll so I’m grateful and ecstatic that we finally get to share this very first edition with you, gentle reader. If I were to put myself in your shoes I would certainly be wondering why they went MIA. Well, we went on a hiatus. It was very much needed because it yielded transformations that would align us with our purposes.

This edition is centred on transitions in life coupled with the lessons derived. I consider our hiatus an exodus that made an enormous difference in my life. It would be unfair for me to shy away from the fact that everything was not at all rosy. I had to untangle modifiers preventing my maturation. I truly bear unwavering respect for every person determined to improve themselves.

Improvements do not necessarily have to be major at all times. Those minuscule improvements matter because they will eventually snowball and formulate habits aiding your growth. The more you press forward, the more you unearth certain dimensions that would otherwise remain dormant had you quitted. The daily realities that you face and overcome are evidence of the synopsis of your exodus. Don’t detest the process, it matters! Roll up those sleeves and develop a ravenous appetite for growth. I’m cheering on you buddy!

Our utmost gratitude and respect go to Miss Galaxy, Britney who’s gracing our cover for this edition. We have been privileged to witness the exodus of her career and the undeniable impact of her philanthropic works. With every article in this edition, I am certain that you will be stirred into dimensions that will avail to your growth.

May you be inspired to keep at what you are doing.

Since this is our first edition for this year, would I be in the wrong if I wish you all a happy new year? I came across a debate on when people should stop wishing that to one another. Some were of the notion that if you see or interact with someone for the first time in that new year then it’s okay. I guess I am justified…hahaha! So Happy New Year my dearest readers and I pray that you keep sailing to greater heights this year (smiles). Happy New Month too!

With love

Millicent R. Sibanda

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