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The Bull’s eye

When they see a dartboard, many people immediately feel the urge to throw an arrow right at the centre of the board, the Bull’s eye. Well, l am one of those people, and that prompted me to join the Darts club at school.

When people often see someone hitting the Bull’s eye, they conclude that they are a great player because they hit the middle part. But professional players will tell you that it doesn’t matter at all. Contrary to what most think, the Bull’s eye doesn’t even have many points. One can win a game without hitting the middle part. I don’t even remember ever hitting that part, but l won almost all of my games.

This taught me a lot about priorities. Like amateurs in darts only interested in hitting the Bull’s eye, nowadays, people prioritise minor issues because society has magnified them as important. Everyone has goals and visions they intend to meet but most of our goals are usually influenced by the environment in which we grow up. Who we are is a result of what we have been taught and seen. Recently, social media has been teaching us how to live. We get all the news and are made aware of new trends there. In a way, it tells you what’s ‘important’. What pains me the most is that these ‘important’ things are constantly changing every second.

Let’s talk about the beauty industry. There is what is portrayed as the perfect body and people, primarily ladies, spent their entire lives and resources trying to hit the ‘bull’s eye body’. When they finally hit it, the image of the perfect would have been altered. Someone will end up looking like a cartoon character because bigger lips were trending at one point, so they did the surgery. And then the trends shifted to smaller waists, wider hips, light skin, thighs, well, you name them.

We spent our lives trying to amass wealth, acquire all the physical possessions we could have, and attain the highest status. We forget the most important things like appreciating what we have, loving those around us and spending time with our families. Those things are no longer as important. The Bull’s eye is now the high status and not happiness.

Take some time to reflect on things you consider necessary and try to see if they are. You could be living under someone’s shadow, thinking that you are shining. Does society impose your goals and visions? Don’t spend too much of your time trying to hit the Bull’s eye because it doesn’t have many points. Focus on the most important things for you.



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