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The Big Chop

The journey of life is not smooth nor is it perfect. Sometimes you will fall and you will have to crawl as you build your strength till you can walk again. Some things will work out, some things will not. The best you can do is take lessons from those incidents and become better in all you do. I'm a natural hair enthusiast and my hair is very important to me. However, about 2 years ago I was faced with a tough decision to make in regard to my hair. It wasn't easy but I'm glad it all worked out in the end.

My natural hair journey started in 2017 when I consciously made a choice to transition from relaxed hair to natural hair. The journey was amazing and exciting and the hair was thriving. What more could I ask for?! Fast forward to 2020, I noticed my hair was no longer growing well, the volume was not good and my hair was thinning. To the outside world, they still saw natural beautiful hair but I knew what was really going on. I tried some remedies so that it could grow and be healthy again. It was working but progress was slow. I was no longer happy with my hair. My sister and I decided to tint the hair and then cut it later on. We did exactly that. Many people were angry, sad and heartbroken that the hair was gone but we understood why it had to be done. The whole journey taught me some valuable lessons that we can also apply in many areas of our lives.

Starting over

There are times we do something and it's not working. We have been trying but it seems like there's little to no progress at all. Looking for ways to fix the problem may work but sometimes you need to go back to the drawing board. Don't be afraid to start over. I did a big chop and cut off long hair that was 3 years old. It was not working for me so I had to start over and do it the right way this time around. Starting over will help you see where you did wrong and where you need to improve. You will come back stronger and more effective.

Research and evaluate before making a decision

We are the result of our decisions. We live and face the consequences of the life choices we make. Therefore, we should choose wisely. Before the big chop, I researched several solutions for healthy hair growth. For sure there were other solutions besides cutting it off but this was the best option. I knew why I had to do it and the possible results as well. I didn't regret my choice as it worked pretty well. My hair grew well, the volume was back to length and healthiness. I'm really loving it.

Overcome your fears and take the deep dive

‘What if?’ is the question that has trapped many people in not pursuing their dreams. Fear has a crippling factor and it can draw you back. Worrying about what people will say can also stop you from moving forward. Be brave and just wing it! Choose to look at the brighter side of things. Life is better with that kind of perspective.

The biggest lesson I learnt is don't be afraid to start over! It's not failure it's just regrouping and restructuring. You will come back stronger and still make it!

Doing the big chop is one of the best decisions I've made for my hair. I had to start over and cut it all off. I had to cut off 3 years of progress. It was a difficult choice but it had to be made. Now the hair is growing, thriving and it's healthy. And guess what? People are loving the hair as well. The same ones that were not happy with the big chop at first. If you know what you want, go for it! People will follow once they see that you're standing your ground. Know yourself and what you want; the crowd will always have an opinion. The biggest lesson I learnt is don't be afraid to start over! It's not failure it's just regrouping and restructuring. You will come back stronger and still make it!



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