Although stagnation is defined as the state of inactivity or state of no movement, activity does not mean growing either. It is possible to be so active and yet not progressive. While on the other hand growth is, in simple terms the ability to UPGRADE from point A to an ENVISIONED point B. As long as there is stagnant growth, there is a measuring rod of growth that determines if one is stagnant or growing; growth is measured not by how many things we do nor how willing we are to do them but by how impactful it is that we do as well as the level of understanding we have of what we do. By these two factors, one can understand if they are growing or what they do is growing.
So stagnant growth is the state one reaches when whatever is being done is no longer impactful or he/ she is no longer impactful. A cutting of flow in impact doesn’t mean the content is wrong. It’s one thing to understand that it simply means that the reason for the content may have been lost. The content loses its impact or we lose our impact for several reasons: 1. Familiarity: man has the nature to adapt to situations, circumstances, atmospheres, and even environments. This can be good as well as bad for him because by adapting, the level of awareness reduces, therefore, repetition becomes the main activity which leads to the subtraction of purpose. Once there is no longer purpose in what is being done, the impact ceases or reduces. 2. Present success: present success or present glory can also be the source of stagnant growth. Whenever one stays fixed on an achievement, there is a high possibility of not looking at the main goal to be achieved and by so doing one gets stuck on the same spot doing what they are used to doing. I usually say: “Celebrate and be thankful to God for today’s achievements but don’t build a tent there; tomorrow still is.” 3. Lack of discipline: discipline being the commitment to do the necessary to draw one near to his/her goal, one must be able to ask themself this question: “Have I done today ONE THING that drew me a step closer to my goal?” and you need to make sure the answer is constantly yes. Lack of this self-check may push you to slide into stagnation. There are many more causative factors for stagnancy in growth. The few highlighted previously are the most encountered by youth. Let’s see what can be done to eliminate stagnancy: 1. Keep the vision alive: as defined early, we grow to an ENVISIONED point B. As long as you keep the vision alive in front of you, there is less or no way for you not to walk towards it because as far as your eyes can see so you get. 2. Let go of pain and success: this may sound unconventional but pain and success can blur your sight from seeing any discipline needed to be taken to draw you closer to your vision, goals, or the growth to attain them. 3. God: God is the source of growth. This is what the bible says in 1 Corinthians 3:6, “I planted, Apollos watered, but it’s God that caused the growth.” Regardless of how much effort you put in what you do, always submit your work to God for Him to cause the growth. Dr. Anyi Obi puts it this way: “Work as if there is no grace but depend on grace as if you didn’t work.” Growth is and will always be intentional, never expect growth to fall on you from the sky, you have a part to play and that is a must. Be intentional, persistent, and see yourself growing. Start the journey.