"You are what we think" suggests that life truly stems from your thoughts. However, we must translate thoughts into words and eventually into actions in order to manifest our intentions. Affirmations directly depict the engagement of something beyond the physical vision, for when you declare boldly that which is unseen, you activate signals in the spiritual realm that immediately ensure that what has been said will come to pass. By consistent declarations, you allow your mind to align with what you want instead of what your thoughts already consist of. Letting your mind control you can be damaging since the mind has no filter, it collects and stores data and information from basically everything and everywhere. You then subconsciously meditate even on the unhealthy thoughts. Because it’s a storage, it will safeguard all the words thrown or gently directed to you from your past. You might still hold on to some harsh words, “You’re a failure, you’re worthless and good for nothing”.
This alone can form an individual’s perspective of life and create a reality for them, a shell that restrains you from living your dreams and soaring high. The sad reality is that they will keep saying these words to themselves and this will form their mindset and thought pattern, and surely, subconsciously, and probably unknown to them, they are trapped and put in bondage by meditation and repeatedly referring to these words or actions.
You create your reality. When you constantly look down on yourself and do not fully realize your potential, you automatically self-sabotage and your outlook on life become negative too. “As a man thinketh in his heart, so is he!’’ The major problem with negative thoughts is that they can become self-fulfilling prophecies. We talk ourselves into believing that we're not good enough. And, as a result, these thoughts drag down our lives, our relationships, and our careers. However, the moment you realize that the quality of life you desire lies in the quality of your meditations, you become limitless and unstoppable. There’s a law called The Law of Attraction, which implies that whatever you desire comes your way and it’s a two-way street, you either have the negative energy manifesting or have a life of positive vibes. Your affirmations are like mental vitamins, providing the supplementary positive thoughts you need to balance the barrage of negative events and thoughts you experience daily.
When you’re optimistic, confident, and believing in yourself, daring and open-minded ideas come to you promptly, opportunities present themselves and life has a better flow. You can’t manifest what you are not and what you are is your mindset. “Out of the abundance of the heart, the mouth speaks”, when your mind is saturated with positivity, and endless possibilities, you easily make bold statements of who you are and what you can do, and this can only but materialize. Don't be pushed around by the fears and doubts in your mind. In time all they will result in regrets and unfulfilled destinies.