We’ve just ended of the first quarter of the year with some ticking the boxes on their new year’s resolutions list. I am one of those who made resolutions for their hair and successfully achieved them! Perhaps you might have had the same resolution but failed to achieve any meaningful results, well, don’t sweat it, I got you! This month I'm going to share with you a few solutions to healthy hair that you can adopt henceforth.
Starting afresh is the first resolution. My sister and I both noticed that our hair wasn't as healthy at some point during our hair journey. Hers was visibly shorter, and we were puzzled as to why it was breaking. Mine was longer but it was thinning, the volume was just different than before. After some discussions, we decided that cutting the hair and starting over was the best course of action to take. My hair was now pretty long at 4 years, despite being unhealthy. Knowing that my hair was not really healthy didn't make the choice any simpler. I'll say right here and now that my hair is presently flourishing and healthy.

It's not always easy but sometimes it's important to start again, so don't be afraid, cut it girl and begin a new chapter in your hair journey!
Decide on a washday and stick to it for the remainder of the year. I understand that life happens and your busy schedule leaves you with little to no time for your hair, but you should attempt to make time for it just like you would for anything else. Try not to skip wash days even when you're so busy. Wash days are a crucial element of natural hair maintenance. Alternatively, you can choose to have someone else do it for you in a salon if it's too much for you to handle.

Going forward, make it a goal to learn how to do basic hairstyles on your own. Being able to style your own hair is truly a flex, so step up in the remaining months and learn to do one or two simple styles. Our next goal is related to this one...

Wear your natural hair more frequently. Take part in the trend and rock that fro sis because natural hair is the in thing right now! You can wear your hair more often if you learn how to style it yourself.

Protect your hair at all times (when you're not rocking your fro). One of my hair goals is less manipulation of my hair to retain length, so I've been keeping it in protective styles more frequently than I used to. Avoid high tension styles though as they cause hair breakage, especially at the hairline. Make sure that your hairstyles are gentle on your scalp and hairline.
Lastly, remember to take care of your hair as part of your self-care! Decide to consciously adore and care for your hair. Give it the space and time it needs, as well as a setting that will allow it to grow healthy