When I saw this month's theme I was excited, because April is my birth month. Therefore it is a time to be grateful, a time to evaluate myself, a time to look at where I've been, where I'm at, and where I am headed. I was just looking at all that I have been through, the good and the bad, the ugly and the beautiful. All of it has helped shape me into the person I am today. As I get a year older I am grateful for it all. I have learnt valuable lessons about time, and they are pretty much useful in every aspect of life.
Time is a very expensive currency
Time is precious, time is priceless. Once gone it can never be regained. That puts a bit of pressure on us right? The pressure to do it right. The pressure to do it perfectly. The pressure to do it in time and on time. I learnt that the best way to handle the pressure of time is to schedule and plan for things for how can you use time wisely when it's not planned for. Therefore plan for your time, then submit those plans to the Lord and He will establish them. However, things may not go as planned and you may feel like you're behind time. In some instances, time can be slow for you or can go by very fast that you feel like you're so far behind. You ask yourself if others are doing it or have done it why not me? I have learnt to trust God with His timing and trust in Him to make a way. If you hold on to Him it will eventually work out for your good.
Time well spent is time never lost
Someone once said, we all have 24 hours in a day but how you spend the day determines the difference in the results you get. What are you investing your time on? What things are you putting your effort on? Where you invest you will get rewards. You yield from where you put your attention. You reap what you sow. Therefore invest your time wisely. Dedicate your time to the things that will build you, mould you and shape you into a better person. Invest your time in reading that self development book, have some quiet time and study your bible, take that course, spend time with family, and consistently do that workout routine...There's a lot you can dedicate your time to, that will be of great benefit to you.
There's a time for everything
For there is a time for everything under the sun. To everything, there is a season. Learn to identify seasons, cycles, and patterns. It is important to know which season you're in. You should know if it's time to enter a season, stay in a season, or exit. Recognize unhealthy patterns and deal with them accordingly. Identify certain cycles happening in your life and break them. Giving yourself to understanding the seasons in your life and how they operate will help you to know what you have to do, when to do it and how to do it.
You only live once...so do it right
Do not live a life of regrets. Make each second count. You want to start a business? You want to say yes to God's calling on your life but you're hesitant? You want to tell that beautiful girl you love her? You want to start on that diet? You want to apply for that job? Do it!! Time waits for no one. Live life, love life, and appreciate every moment as it comes. Love whilst you still can. Serve God (especially in your youth) whilst you still can. Forgive, laugh, love. Go for your dreams. Live every moment like it's your last. That way you will make it count.
Chance and time happen to them all
Your turn will come! Timing and being rightfully positioned can greatly determine how things work out for you. Joseph went through a lot but his chance came and he became a ruler and saved his people. God knew that if Joseph was in Canaan, he wouldn't be in a position to save his family from the great famine. So he had to be strategically positioned in Egypt. His journey was not an easy one yet he made it. It doesn't have to make sense to you for it to work out. Just hold on to God's promises and tell yourself it will happen for you too. Keep up the faith and never give up hope. When it didn't make any sense, Sarah and Abraham waited for Isaac and he came. David went from being a shepherd of sheep to being a shepherd of people.
Your chance and time will definitely come! Just be alert and wise enough to recognize your season when it comes. It may come in an unlikely package but be sure to use it for the greater good. David was not the strongest or the fittest person around but he was the one who killed the giant. Don't let your opportunity go because it is not what you thought it should be like. Seize it and use it.