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Pursuit of passion

Updated: Apr 27, 2022

When I was given this month’s theme, The Exodus, I was blank as to what story to share. I tried figuring out which part of what I’m passionate about do I share with the world. I’m a dynamic person who’s interested in learning new things, eager to gain a new skill and ready to take on an adventure. In each of the things I do I try my best to put my all. The best way to get something out of whatever you do is to put in your best and that’s enough.

I figured out that instead of sharing a specific story, I will go on to share some nuggets and life lessons I have learnt along the way as I have been walking in the paths of what I’m passionate about. I will share the significant lessons I have learnt in the process of my own “Exodus”.

Everyone has a story to tell

This theme happens to coincide with my overall goal for the year which is to grow, a year of realization, moving out of my comfort zone and stepping out, coming out to pursue the things I’m passionate about. What guides me and encourages me are the lessons I have been getting in this journey... the pursuit of passion. I believe that everyone has a story. Within each story, there is a message. Within each story, there is a power to change someone else’s life story. I believe as we share our stories we change lives. As I will share mine today, I hope that you will get to share yours too.

Fan it, don’t let it burn down

Passion is like a flame, the more you fan it the more it grows and burns. “We cannot become what we want by remaining what we are”-Unknown. Light doesn’t give light when it’s hidden under a bushel. It doesn’t serve its purpose when it stays hidden. Only when it is placed on a high place can it provide light and help people navigate their way. Until you come out of that comfort zone you will never shine bright like you’re supposed to. A fire needs to be constantly fanned for it to continue being in use. Don’t feel comfortable, even when you’re already shining and burning, aim to go to another level. Grow, grow and grow.

Walk your journey

Passion is like a treasure hunt. God has it all mapped out already, but you have to discover it yourself. A treasure map has got clues and hints that act as a guide on what to do or where to go. At the beginning of the journey, it’s not clear where you’re headed or exactly what the journey will be like. Sometimes it doesn’t warn you of what you will come across. What I know is the journey to the treasure chest is important, very necessary and a must for you to get what you want.

Just start!

“As you start to walk on the way, the way appears.”-Unknown The most important thing is to start, the other details will become clearer as you go. It’s like a puzzle, with each piece put in place; the picture becomes more clearer and it starts to make more sense. Walking in your passion or purpose is like that, you don’t start functioning in it because you have all the resources needed available to you. You start because that’s the first step to reaching your destination. You will never get anywhere if you don’t start.

Fight your way through

As you walk through the journey and pursue your passion or passions it won’t be like a walk in the park. Things won’t always be good. God will not give you anything you can’t handle. If the mountain seems too big to climb it means you’re greater and much more capable to climb it.

The climbing may be hard but you’re building a muscle, gaining more strength, more experience and learning how to win through that hard process. Trust God through it all because for you to win you need to see things His way. Perspective matters, it is very important.

Do it now

Use the time and chances that you have. Utilise the opportunities that come your way. The time to do it is now. Why do it tomorrow when you can do it now? Why push it for some time later when you can say it now? We never know what tomorrow may hold, so take this moment and function in your purpose. Do not wait for the perfect moment, no moment is ever perfect. Make the most out of what you have and do the best you can with what you have.

Support system

From time to time we need a reminder that we have to go on no matter what we face. We need comfort and to be told that it’s going to be alright. We need a shoulder to lean on when it becomes heavy. We need pillars to stand with us, by us and for us. As much as we have these lessons to guide us, let’s be there for each other. If one man can do it, it means that as a team you can achieve a lot more. We need each other for us to make it.

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