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Profit and Loss

Sometimes I forget who I am, and I find myself entangled in things that I never dreamt I would do. I lose direction and vision and the sight of things that matter the most to me. I follow trends, money, deals and worthless relationships, and so many things for fun or calculated profit. One thing I know is that there are many others like me. In today’s generation, we let things that do not matter take precedence in our lives. We have a fine way of neglecting important issues of our lives in pursuit of profit or gain. The rule of profit and loss guides everything in this generation. Our moral values are just a piece of heritage and something of the past, certainly not considered in this age. We do anything for social media and acceptance among other people of this generation. We are not ashamed to strip in front of the camera because we want more followers.

Obscenity is the new order, and we do not find anything bad in that. We do not have any regard for the family because everyone has a right to make his or her own independent decision. I can talk rudely to my parents and feel no remorse about it. I do not mind not greeting my neighbors or elders around. I know everything, and if there is anything I need to know, Google will help, why I should take advice from a stranger. Doing house chores is not my concern; that is the maid’s job; she gets paid for that. Everything is fair in love and war; of course, I can date this person today, break up the next day and move on with another person the following morning. It’s normal. Dating a married person “a blesser” or being a ben 10 for an old rich lady is no big deal as long as it pays bills. Cheating someone in a business deal is normal because someone has to bear the loss in business for someone to gain.

Wait! Not everything should be about profit and loss; what about values? Not every gain can be calculated mathematically. We cannot always assign value by quantity. The so-called civilization has destroyed our humanness, and social media has decayed and washed away our morals. We are blinded by the desire to benefit, and everything is perfect when we are winning. It is all a huge loss when we look back later on. We always regret our actions later and wish we could change the clock, but it will be too late in most cases. The truth is that it is not a loss to greet your neighbor, neither is it a loss to take advice from a stranger. There is much more honor in sobriety than in drunkenness. It has no calculated quantified value in being respectful but is self-fulfilling at the end of the day. There may be no monetary gain in doing house chores at home, but it equips one with the necessary skills for life. Sometimes hard work may not bring a lot of wealth overnight, but it gives one inner joy knowing that it is their sweat and blood. It is not as diminishing in character as dating married people for money or cheating people for personal gain.

Take-home advice; stop always looking for profit or monetary or calculated or quantified gain. Sometimes quality matters more than quantity, and it is not always sensible to make calculations for the subject of value.

“Finally, brothers, whatever is true, whatever is noble, whatever is right, whatever is pure, whatever is lovely, whatever is admirable —if anything is excellent or praiseworthy —think about such things. Whatever you have learned or received or heard from me, or seen in me— put it into practice. And the God of peace will be with you.” Philippians 4:8-9

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