Have you noticed that when you carefully listen to a song more than twice, you start hearing extra background elements to the track that you didn’t hear before? Ad libs, some cool electric guitar, etc. That makes you enjoy and appreciate the song more, right? Well, I’m hoping this is one of those moments where you receive a fresh appreciation for prayer. I’m going to cautiously manoeuvre around this topic to avoid sounding like a broken record.
Prayer is simply our communion with God from a place of relationship with Him. The Holy Spirit helps us with this fellowship. It is imperative that you stay in that posture. As we round up the year, the time of debasing is upon us. It’s as if there’s this unspoken ritual or belief that maximum effort is only required at the beginning of the year and as for the rest of the year, well, “It is what it is.” We slip into bad habits - like not praying - then cry for Revival later. Reminds me of this post I saw last year that perfectly explains what happens at the end of each year.
But Sons of God move from Glory to Glory, not from Glory to zero, encore. I’m urging you not to drop your prayer life only to pick it up on the 1st of January 2022 (that’s if you’re not carried away by celebrations that you only pick it up on the first Sunday service of the year after those routine, annual hangovers). When it comes to the fruition of our goals... Can anything significant happen in the last couple of months and few days left? Joe L Barnes went into this spontaneous worship and kept repeating this phrase “You can do more in a moment than other lovers could in a lifetime” in a song called “Defender” by Maverick City Music, ‘You’ referring to God. A moment is all it takes God to do the impossible. God can do more through you in a month than you could have done in ten. Prayer gives us access to God’s divine strategies to make this happen. Stay on your knees. And those that have achieved their goals... There was a time Jesus was praying concerning His disciples and in His prayer to the Father, He says “while I was with them, I protected them and kept them safe by that name you gave me. None has been lost...” Whew. It’s one thing to have achieved and gained everything we have, it’s another to not lose any of it and report it to the Father as success. Slacking now is like doing well in your mid-terms and relaxing during your finals. Being excellent throughout matters for you to obtain that good report. You’re a steward of everything that God has given you in this year and one way of keeping it is by Prayer. It is by the name of Jesus that those blessings and achievements are kept. Not your wisdom, title, or your skill. Your Heavenly Father knows that you cannot do anything by your own strength, ergo He will not withhold it from you. Just ask Him. He wants to help you more than you want to be helped. Remember, Prayer is to us what oxygen is to the body.