It’s so beautiful, yet people despise it a lot. If you mention it as one of the personality traits, then you are considered to the most gullible person because it is assumed it’s a weakness. Being loving, caring, and compassionate about others is primitive in this age. Our world has normalized individualism and exalts hatred over love. We justify selfishness and hatred as necessary for survival. We magnify our day to day struggles over our strength and ability to overcome those challenges. I dare you to see it from my perspective for once, but love is not a weakness; it is the strength to overcome our challenges.
We are always fighting, but even if we win, we are already defeated if we hate each other. How will it benefit you if you win over your brother or sister at the expense of another person? It is a loss because that person will become a burden. They will nag you every time for what you have. The person whom you consider to be defeated will become a parasite to you. They will depend on you for their everyday survival, and that is not a benefit to you. A wise man once said a candle does not lose its brightness by sharing or lighting other candles, but rather, it increases the illumination in a room.
Similarly, you don’t become any less by doing good or just being kind to someone, but instead, we must become each other’s support structures. If we try to handle our disputes with hatred, we end up in a win-lose or lose-lose situation. Either way, that is no good for us because if you get to the top by stepping over others, you will fall badly because they will not be there to hold you when you fall. Try solving conflicts with love; the results are usually win-win. If you treat the next person with love even when you cannot resolve their problems, you will create a support structure because that person will help you one day. After all, you were kind to them.
This generation knows no love; we only talk about survival of the fittest. We create problems for ourselves by hating each other. One man’s problem is everyone’s problem. We are affected either directly or indirectly. Just because you are not feeling the impact of that man’s problem does not mean you will not feel it forever. By hatred, we divide our strength and capacity to solve problems. “United we stand divided we fall”, we say this all the time, but we let hatred and selfishness divide us. Love is power if we embrace it. It is within everyone’s heart to love, but we suppress the goodness in us to fit in the evil world we have created. We are stronger together than when we are apart. Our ego and pride will not take us anywhere; they will lead us into endless wars, poverty, divorce, and loneliness. It is difficult to keep hatred; it destroys the one who holds it more than the one who is being hated. Love without expecting the other person to reciprocate because even if they do not see it today, eventually, they will appreciate it. Love just for yourself because it will do you more good than harm. Love will give you peace of mind and satisfaction. Just imagine if we all have love, we create a perfect world. Appreciate love; if you see it, do not despise it. Embrace love because love is not a sign of weakness, but it is the power of those who have it. Remember, love is power; love conquers all things.