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Lessons in golf

“One of the most fascinating things about golf is how it reflects the cycle of life. No matter what you shoot -the next day you have to go back to the first tee and begin all over again and make yourself into something,” Peter Jacobsen.

My favourite sport is golfing, and I don’t know about yours, reader, but if you can whisper, I

can hear you. Golf is played on an extensive open course of 9 or 18 holes: the objective is to

use as few strokes as possible to play all the holes. Golf was originated in the 15th century

in Scotland; the game’s ancient origins are unclear and much debated. In golf, two shots underpar is an eagle, and three shots under par is an albatross. One shot over par is a bogey, two shots over par is a double-bogey, and three is a triple bogey. Golfing is good for your health because it provides moderate intense physical activities such as walking, carrying your bag, swinging etc.

In life, we derive lessons from different things, and there are many lessons one can factor in golf. Confidence is one of the lessons. Suppose you’re not confident enough with whatever you may be doing; in that case, there are high possibilities of you not succeeding in it. In playing this sport, you won’t be doing so alone; obviously, you will be playing with different kinds of people. Along the way, that’s how you can network and connect with business people. Therefore, if you’re not confident enough, you might walk away without any connections. The confidence you exude will help networking and possibly open new doors for you in any field you find yourself in.

The second factor is One step at a time. The key is playing one shot at a time; there is no need to rush winning because it’s the principle of the sport, and it’s part of the process. The same applies to life; some people only want to reach the finish line without running. Life is a journey, and if you do not take each step accordingly, you might get disappointed along the way. If it’s in this sport, you can be disqualified. We all fail at some point. We all get disappointed at some level. We bleed, sweat, get tired, and experience pain, but some people don’t want all that; all they want is to see themselves winning. The one who follows the process wins even if they fail at some point. You don’t get prosperous overnight; it’s a process.

The third factor is Commitment and letting go. In this sport, commitment is needed because the main goal is to reach the target and win. All you need is to allegiance your focus on the game, which guarantees a win. Dedication, loyalty and honesty yield great results. Letting go of the ball when you swing is the same as letting go of certain things to make way for new habits and traits to enable your success in life. Mistakes are part of the game, so it’s how you embrace them which makes you stand out.

Mistakes being the fourth factor implies that no one is perfect; we all make mistakes, and that’s how we grow. Even those who have made it in life have at one point made bad decisions. Those mistakes you’re afraid of might be your winning shot to the finishing line. Take them as learning curves. There is a prayer that some of us golfers do before we start playing. It goes like this, “God grant me the serenity to accept the shots I miss, the courage to try again, and the wisdom not to throw my clubs in the lack.” You can make that your prayer too.

“Every shot counts. The three-foot putt is as important at the 300-yard drive,” Herry Cotton.

This is the most crucial factor, which happens to be the last, Everything you do in life Counts. No matter how often you try, whatever goal you are chasing counts. Therefore, there is a need for you to take note of the time factor. When you venture into something, focus, strategize, think of the consequences that might happen along the way before you make the first move.

“Golf is deceptively simple and endless complicated; it satisfies the soul and frustrates the intellect. It is at the same time rewarding and maddening, and it is without a doubt the greatest game mankind has ever invented,” Arnold Palmer.

Consider these lessons, and I hope you will try playing golf and fall in love with it one day.

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