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Ladder of Life

Ladders come in different forms, shapes, colours, and sizes. Some ladders are so small that even kids can use them. Then there are others that professional builders use when they are doing their work. These are bigger. When you see a child approaching that ladder, you prevent him from climbing it because you know that he is too young to use it. He needs to grow up first for him to be able to climb it. This goes to show there are opportunities one should take at a certain age.

Only those who have grown to a certain level can use the bigger ladder. However, nowadays people want to use a ladder that is not suitable for their age. They want to skip stages and expect to have extraordinary results. Someone would rather forge papers and lie on their resume to get a job. They cut every corner possible to get what they want.

When using a ladder, it’s step by step. Most times when you skip a step, there are higher chances that you will trip and fall. You will end up going back to where you started. What good would that make you? If only you had followed every step, it would have been a different story. You cannot go from a toddler into an old man in a short space of time, you pass through teenage hood. Likewise, you cannot wake up a millionaire without putting in the work.

What some people are calling ‘hustle’, is sometimes a shortcut that can come back and bite them. The consequences might leave them in a much worse state. Let’s normalize patience, faith, and knowing how to turn the tables rather than rushing our fate by missing certain stages

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