2021 was the best year for me. It developed me and presented some lessons that I will forever be grateful for. By the way, I was contemplating on going against the instruction from the chief editor; she gave me a word limit to my article. I guess she now knows I can go on a writing spree and get carried away… (laughs). Well, it is what it is; so here is my story in a nutshell.
This year was more of God winning compared to the past years. I turned 21 last month on the 6th. I was more than ready to expose my toxic persona but I asked myself, “Is this my battle?” After much thought and with the Holy Spirit’s guidance, I concluded it wasn’t. I moved to South Africa this year in January and en route, I spent four days on the border because of the lockdown unaware of what awaited me. Before I proceed with my story, let me digress a bit…
So what does this title mean? Let’s look at it from this viewpoint. Have you ever trusted a friend with a secret only for them to use that secret to knife you out? That’s what happened to me but I chose to give God the knife, meaning everything I would face I would surrender to God. I wasn’t going to allow myself to retaliate. No retreat, No surrender. Who holds the knife of your life then? Mine is with the Lord.
Back to my story, upon my arrival in SA, I stayed with my aunt till March then I decided to move out. I made this move for myself not anyone. I fell into a deep depression and all I wanted was to start on a clean slate alone. The events that preceded my relocation were so bad that they caused a lot of linkages. Word had it that I was a destroyer, a conflict agent. To make matters worse, the audios I listened to confirmed the rumours. My mind became a raging battlefield; I spent two months contemplating how I was going to survive alone in a foreign land without any aid. It is during this time that I learned to pray more and complain less. I dedicated my time to the one and only God and surely, He showed up for me.
It wasn’t easy to start my life afresh; I experienced challenges along the way. I vividly remember crying to God asking Him why I was going through such a hailstorm. Life was throwing curveballs so hard that I had wounds all over. At one point in time, our workplace stopped operating, and we were told to stay home till further notice. It was so hard waking up to nothing. I was idle but I vowed not to become the devil’s workshop. South Africa is not just an easy country to be. Those who are familiar can relate. But so long you let God guide you and He knows your story, then you are safe. I did not inform my parents or my sister about my situation because I knew their faith would faint and seeds of doubt would be planted into my head. During these trying times, I had to hold onto my faith and that I made sure of. One of my prayers was asking God to open our workplace as I needed to pay my rentals and utilities, and yes He answered me with a resounding voice. We were called back to work a week before my due day. I am convinced this was a battle I could not have won alone. They say patience is the key, and it works hand in hand with faith; believe me, it’s true.
There was a time I even thought of getting a boyfriend to lessen my worries and carry some of my burdens. Now, dear, that was the devil trying to plant some weeds in my field. The devil was trying to pounce on me and so sneaky was he. You see what he does; he uses the people around you to accomplish his mission, what a lousy copycat. One of my associates brought news that a married friend of hers who was way older than me was interested in me. I got angry at myself and I remembered who was in control of my life. After my friend gave the guy my tags, I did a prayer that he should not even make any move. Lo and behold, my God, the holder of my knife, the King of Kings replied with a roar and put a stop to the advancements.
My word to you is trust works where there is no possibility. We often fail in our lives because of pride and ego. If only we can learn to trust in God. In 2021 I learned the hard way out of life, tears went away and as I was fighting battles, God was holding my hand and guiding me to the end. Listen, pray, speak, prophesy and take by force. My friend, Cliff once told me that the moment you work on proving your enemy wrong is the moment you lose the battle so what you need to do is to take charge in the spirit!