The year is about to come to an end and very soon we will be seeing a lot of posts where people question each other on what they accomplished this year or push each other to do better in the last couple of months we are left with. While there is nothing wrong with having a standard measure that shows how far you have come, I think we are using the wrong yardsticks. Oops, I just went balls blazing in, allow me to go back into how this line of thought came about before dragging you along as you watch a scene that you are not quite sure how you got to as though you are in the Matrix. 1. 2021 came, and 2021 is about to end. 2. You, like me probably had new year’s resolutions or a vision board 3. That probably didn’t work out, or it did… 4. It’s a continuous cycle. 5. Discard that way of life because it is bound to bring a lot of stress. When we start each year, we feel bold, we feel brave, we feel as though we have been handed a clean new slate. But the reality of the matter is that we have not. We are working with the same pallet of colours as we had the previous year. If anything, lines are blurred and there is no clear guideline of where we are and what we are doing. Hence the refocus and realignment that we go through with the coming or ending of a season.
So why is it that these lines get blurred and we are no longer sure what picture we are trying to paint? Because we live in a world where we have all been brainwashed. We are somehow convinced that we should be seen a certain way and live a certain way. We now have one standard of success which is influence and popularity. We measure our worth using the number of likes we have on an Instagram post. And we must see how many people watched our reel and interacted with it. It has become important for us to follow the norm and post daily motivational material and inspire other people to live as we are. We are now somehow all experts at something and people must see and value our art and pay us our dues. Look, I am a firm believer that we all have something to offer the world. And that it is important to do it passionately and share as much of it with the rest of the world and if you see a gap, fill it and even make that a stream of income, but man, it has gotten tiring. Instead of focusing on being the best at whatever it is that we do, most of us are focusing on being better than the next person or being as good as so and so and we are losing our identity. When you focus on the wrong thing, you eventually lose who you are. There are so many people who don’t know or remember the reason why they are doing any of the things they are. Preoccupied with being busy, changing the world! But what is your why? Who are you doing it for? Is it still to help or it has become to be seen and revered? We lack time for family and friends because we are busy chasing after the newest big thing. We all want to become the next Warren Buffet. While there is no problem in dreaming and making our dreams come alive, the real question is who is this meant to serve? And are you not losing yourself and gaining the whole world? I personally had to realign with my goals and visions quite recently. I had to call up a couple of people and say hey, remember that project you wanted me to work on, yeah, it’s not where I am headed in life so I have to pass. It’s a bold move because you don’t know what tomorrow holds, but it helps you stay focused because you know what it is you are doing and trying to accomplish in the first place. So why don’t we take time and look at our pallet right now? Really focus on what’s on it and then decide what we are going to paint and which colours we will need to discard or add as we do so. Be You…The World Will Adjust.