"If only l had an extra hour or day or a month, l would have accomplished my goals.” At one point we all have said this. How far true is it? If what we need is an extra day to accomplish our goals, how come we never do so in a leap year considering that we have an extra day that year? If it’s an hour that we need how come during the daylight saving, we get an extra hour but we do not achieve all the goals? Everyone sets New Year resolutions. The statistics on how many people follow through and accomplish their New Year’s resolutions are rather grim. Studies have shown that less than 25% of people stay committed to their resolutions just for 30 days, and only 8% accomplish them by the end of the year. The 92% who couldn’t accomplish their goals will blame themselves for lack of good time management. They believe if they had used their time wisely, they would have achieved them. However, it’s true to some extent, but if they had managed to focus, there wouldn’t be any need for time management. Have you ever worked whilst checking the time? It always seems like it’s moving backward. When you feel like it’s almost an hour, you will discover that you have only used fifteen minutes. At this moment you are doing all you can in the time frame you were given, but you aren’t achieving the set goals. The problem isn’t time at all but your focus. Ever noticed when you visit your close friend, time always seems to be moving so fast? Why? Because your focus is not on time but on the things that you are doing at that moment. My mentor once told me that he doesn’t get tired until what he has to do during that day is finished. How is this possible? He does not use the time to determine how his day is going to be like. He uses the things that he is supposed to do to determine his day. Imagine the moment you realize that you have been standing for 6 hours, you will panic and in that instant, you would want to sit down and rest. So what got you tired wasn’t the fact that you were standing but that you noticed it was for 6 hours. If only at that time you focused on the things you are supposed to do before the end of your day, you wouldn’t have gotten tired but rather more energy to accomplish your goals for the day. You would have maintained your focus on the things to accomplish rather than the time. We are all given 24 hours a day, how come some have achieved so much yet some are still begging for more hours? It’s not about how much time you have, it’s about what you want to achieve. Where do you put more of your focus? Focusing on time brings either of these two– firstly, anxiety because you think you don’t have enough time which mostly results in giving up, and secondly, you will procrastinate thinking you have a lot of time, which will result in the sub-standard effort since you will be doing a last-minute job.
If you focus more on your goals rather than time, you will realize that even your year’s goals can be achieved in a couple of months. Stop managing time, and manage your focus. You’ve got all the time you need, but the question is are you focused enough?