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Dare to dream

When one is born a dream is put inside them, embedded deep into their very own souls. A purpose is born. They begin to discover who they are and who they are meant to be, unravelling a big mystery deep within. Dreams are things you wish for, the thoughts of who you want to be which you picture in your mind. You can dream as much as you want but you will need to work twice as hard to make it a reality. There are several things you need to do in pursuit of your dreams. I will go on over just a few of them.

Keep on talking about your dreams

Words are used to create worlds. By words the heaven and earth were formed, therefore, this shows the power that your words and confessions bear. When you keep on talking about your dreams, you are continually encouraging yourself hence building up your confidence that you can do it. Condition your mind to think positively and never give in to discouraging and negative thoughts. You have to believe in yourself first; this gives room for others to believe in your dream as well. Joseph was young when he had his dreams but he kept talking about them even though his brothers took him for granted and thought he was only fooling around. He kept on believing in his dreams because he had conditioned himself to thinking positively, therefore, it led him to keep on soldering on. His dreams were fulfilled later on his life.

Recognize your destiny helpers

People are relational beings and they were created to be that way. I have heard of this saying “No man is an island”, and this is so true because you will need people to help you along the way. You can never achieve your purpose on your own, you need all the help and support you can get. There are people, things and situations that are instrumental for you to achieve your dreams. These are called destiny helpers or dream pushers. Sometimes you may find yourself in unfavourable situations but it doesn’t mean that these situations seek to destroy you. Some are meant to build the right character in you and equip you with the right skills you need. Joseph’s brothers sold him and he became a slave in Potiphar’s house. At one point he was imprisoned but all these situations were intentional and with the purpose to push him closer to his dreams. Some situations at times will not make sense and you will feel like you are being diverted from your plans. Work your way out of those situations and learn that which you are supposed to and move on. Some people do not want to see you succeed so you need to know the right people to trust with your dreams and plans; the fewer they are the better. Your network is your net worth so work on having the right people surrounding you.

Prepare for it See it then be it.

Dreams can become a reality when you start working on them. Write your dreams down and look for plans on how to execute those dreams into being. What you want to achieve for your life may be You can easily trace, do follow ups and measure your success with these plans or steps towards your big dream. They can also help you in accountability, therefore, you can see what has been done and what needs to be worked on. I have noticed that people easily get hyped with motivational speeches and books then carry on with their usual routines having discarded what they have been taught. Do not be part of those people and stop wasting it all by doing nothing. Do not just be energized and then forget about the motivation and advice you got but rather make good use of it. Preparation is an important key in the pursuit of your dreams. You need to prepare yourself and the environment around you for your plans. You need to be prepared to have the right mind set and attitude towards your dream. The conditions or environment you are in have to be a conducive birthing ground for what you want to bring into the world. This may mean shifting yourself from your comfort zone and stepping out in the open to confront your fears or insecurities. The pursuit of your dreams will see you outgrowing some habits, people and places. Preparation is not easy, it needs endurance and patience as it brings about changes in your life. Change can be uncomfortable at times so you need to be strong enough to go through the process. Preparation results in you having a sound character that will enable you to pursue your dreams. Avoid taking shortcuts or attempting to take seemingly easy paths. Go through the whole process, there is a lot you need to learn too big and somewhat scary; the solution is to break them down into doable acts that you can work with.

Run your own lane

Things do not come on a silver platter and they most certainly do not come whilst you are just idle and doing nothing. Results come after you have put in some effort. Keep your dreams as a focal point that you use to move forward. Keep the end goal in mind, ingrain that picture and work on it. Run your own lane, each person has his/her own race to run so there is no need to compete with anyone. The one person you should compete with is yourself. Stories are different so are purposes and callings. All are to achieve one thing, that is, to glorify God. However, what each person has to do is different and unique according to what God created them for. Accept your assignment, run with your vision and stop wasting time. Own your purpose, live it and work on your end goal. Whatever you put your mind to, you can achieve if you work hard for it.

Conclusively, the way God works is totally different from how you work. You were made for a purpose but when purpose is not known abuse is inevitable. If you do not know your purpose, then there is no fulfilling or pursuing it. Work on knowing your purpose, discover your dreams and start working on them NOW. Many are the plans of men but God has the final say, therefore, as you make your plans and as you dream, align yourself with God’s plans for you. Trust not in your own devices but submit your plans and God will establish them. When God establishes your plans it means your dreams stand on a great and firm foundation which is God Himself. He will also supply that which will enable you to achieve your dreams and you will not work in vain. Dare to dream! The best time to work on your dreams is now because THE FUTURE IS NOW!!!



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