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Have you ever passed by a construction site and you happen to see a big canvas showing a magnificent structure but when you look around trying to spot it you might see nothing but a foundation and a bunch of construction laborers working or if you are fortunate enough you get to see something in the making resembling what you are seeing on the canvas or better referred to as a "Blueprint".

One may begin to wonder, ”what exactly is a blueprint?” A blueprint is a diagram that guides you when creating something. It helps you to clarify where you are today and where you strive to reach in the future. In our day to day lives, we aspire to accomplish certain things. But the question is where does it all ignite? Well here is the answer, it begins in your mind, that's your imagination right. Yes, that is the central factory for your blueprints. In order to draw a picture of what you want, you have to ask yourself these questions; What is it that I want to achieve today, tomorrow, and thereafter? Have I visualized it first? Did I feed it into my subconscious? If you manage to answer them, then you are in a position to take off.

You can never be where you have never been before. So let your imagination take you as far as you want. Ponder on this, if one can commit adultery just by looking (Matthew 5:28) then what more of your great imagination. That's how powerful your imagination is! Put it to great use.

Say you don't have a blueprint, then start creating one. How?- write down that vision, know the specific details for example prices, colors, designs, materials, et cetera. A blueprint is not just for houses or any other types of buildings, that business that you want to launch also requires a blueprint. If you want to have companies in the future, start naming them, envision yourself in those board meetings!

However, some people may think that it ends there but no that's where it begins. Once you write it down, start walking and working towards that vision. If you are equipped with the right tools, at the end of the day, your sweat will be worth it. Moreover, the Lord will direct your steps (Proverbs 16:3) by sending you divine helpers after making your vision clear (Habakuk 2:2).

I hope one day someone is going to pass by your blueprints in making just as you are doing right now in the streets of Nicosia, Harare, Lagos, or wherever you are. May you get to see, touch, and feel your blueprints.

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