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Attitude and time

Updated: Jul 25, 2022

It is only recently that I started having insight on the relationship between attitude and time. It fascinated me when I realized how my attitude can make the clock seem like it’s moving faster or feel as though it’s not moving at all.

I love to bake and when I am free, I try out new recipes or work on becoming better at a recipe I have already tried out. I recently tried out baking some buns the Zimbabwean style and I had to knead the dough for 15 minutes. When I looked at the recipe, I told myself it’s just 15 minutes it won’t hurt. I got my mixture ready, started my timer and a few seconds into the kneading process, my mind started telling me this was not as easy as I thought, and my hands did not take time to agree as they started complaining too and that’s how the negative attitude started building up. I kept on checking the timer and it seemed like time stood still, I checked again, and I had ten more minutes left and I was thinking to myself, “this is just too much.” I checked the clock again and this time I had 6 minutes left. I thought well, not bad, let me listen to some nice music to keep my mind off the timer, and as I was singing along, I thought about the timer again, and yes, I gave in and checked it. To my disbelief, I still had 5 minutes left yet I was expecting to see the timer showing around 2 to 3 minutes left. My mind kept saying, “can we just stop this please.” My favourite song finally got my mind off the timer and the kneading. My advisor was calling, I picked up the call and continued kneading as I spoke to my advisor. Instantly, my attitude changed, I started focusing on the conversation and paid less attention to the timer and before I knew it, the timer went off and I continued kneading as I carried on with the conversation (the conversation had shifted my focus). The buns had to be in the oven for 15 minutes, same time as the kneading time, I started another timer when they were ready for baking, but this time with a different attitude. I was so excited, I couldn’t keep my eyes off the oven glass and this time, 15 minutes felt like 15 seconds because my focus was now on the results of my labour and thank God, the results were very pleasing.

There was a time when I realized I was not enjoying work anymore and I was really concerned. I wanted to know the root cause of this. The Holy Spirit then enlightened it to me, it was my attitude. I had suddenly developed a negative attitude towards work and had allowed the negative environment I was in to sometimes creep into my heart. It really was taking its toll on me and messing me up. I was always tired even in the morning before even starting work, I was always grumbling. I managed to wear a smile and because of the current situation, masks covered up for me as well, but my eyes conspired against me and sold me out sometimes.

The negativity of the people surrounding me at work was bad at times and because I had my own attitude issues, when my negative energy and their negative energy blended, the results were nasty. I started asking God how I could fix this, and I realized I wasn’t spending much time with Him, especially when I went to work. Less of Him meant less access to the source of my positive vibe. I said to Him, “But Daddy, you know work can be so busy, when can we fellowship?” Even when I got home after work I would say, “Daddy, you know it’s been a busy day, we will fellowship when I am off work”, and go straight to bed. He (God) then opened my eyes and made me realize all the time I could spend with Him, for example my break time which I usually used as nap time even after getting enough sleep in the night. I decided to mend my ways, instead of sleeping and catching up on messages during my breaks, I studied the word and fellowshipped with my Daddy. When I felt the urge to grumble and complain, the Holy Spirit would rebuke me and remind me to mind my attitude. Work started to be enjoyable again, the day didn’t feel so long anymore, because my attitude was so positive. The inner man was filled with joy, peace and it radiated outwardly. Not even the negative energy from those around me contributed to my time at work being so dragged and horrible, there was enough light in me to overcome that dark force that tried to have its way with me.

Many experiences opened my eyes to see how my attitude can contribute to me having a bad or a good time. I also realized I had power over my attitude through the power of the Holy spirit who is the spirt of power, love and a sound mind.

Our feelings or opinions about life affect our daily lives. The more we allow negativity and the cares of the world to grow in us, the more horrible our time on earth is going to be. As I was kneading that dough and baking the buns, I realized that what I focus on and my attitude towards it affects how time will pass by. I focused on the pain as I was kneading but when the time for results came, I was ecstatic, if only I had started off with this positive vibe right from the start, the experience would have been an enjoyable one all the way. Negativity, grumbling, complaining and focusing on the pain of the process of what you are working on or what God is doing in your life will just make the journey of life seem like it’s taking forever.

I have encountered people who do nothing but grumble, they yearn for a visit from the angel of death to visit them daily because all they do is focus on how life is unfair to them day in day out. You might be thinking well, she doesn’t know what she is saying, she has never been in their shoes. Well I have been depressed before, I have felt like giving up and how horrible were those days of my life. Everyday dragged by and I wished I had the power to fast forward time or at least turn back time and make some different decisions. My attitude was bad, and I was rotting inside. My body responded too, it was one stomach cramp after another, one sleepless night after another, one headache after another. There was no time of the day I could look forward to, as both day and night always had something in store for me. I kept my eyes fixed on my troubles and the more the storm ragged more and more in me the more I let it have its way. But I ran back to Daddy and He cleaned me up. God is so merciful, He always shows up and transforms me, that is when I let Him have His way.

I want to challenge you to change your attitude if you want to enjoy the precious time you are given daily and the mercies renewed for you every morning by the Almighty. What do you focus on daily? The pain of the process or the promised outcome? We cannot run away from the fact that in life disheartening situations will come our way at some point, but we can have power over them by taking charge of how they affect us. Open up your heart to God, I have tried it and trust me, it works. I still do develop negative attitudes now and again, but I know I can always run to my Daddy, who can change my attitude, my focus, my perception and time becomes a precious gift that I appreciate and desire to use wisely daily. I pray that you may be reminded at all times that through fellowship with Him and staying in His word there is change of attitude and perceptions towards life resulting in good times no matter the circumstances and this allows you to live life to the fullest as Daddy intended for you when He formed you!



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