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5 things to do when travelling

No matter your level of experience or whether you like group tours or are a seasoned solo traveler, traveling requires a lot of confidence and tenacity. Utilizing natural, common behaviors that can elevate your journeys from routine to spectacular is the key to successful travel.

Want to be persuaded? These five suggestions, which include the obvious and, most crucially, the unexpected, should be followed whenever you travel.

Do your homework

Whenever you visit a place either local or international, you must research it beforehand. Nothing is as embarrassing as dressing inappropriately in a particular culture. Not only will it seem disrespectful, but you will come off as ignorant. Again, doing your homework works when it comes to the weather. You wouldn’t want to travel dressed in t-shirts and shorts only to land in a country that is in winter.

Do visit your doctor

Before any trip, it’s essential to know the health hazards you might probably face. There is nothing that would ruin your trip, like getting food poisoning. Had you known from your doctor the kinds of foods you can eat, it wouldn’t have happened. The same applies to the weather conditions; you wouldn’t want to travel to Russia when you know that you cannot be exposed to snow with your heart condition. Therefore, before travelling, make sure you know what your body allows you to do.

Do photocopy your passport

This might seem irrelevant until the day something terrible happens to your passport. When in a foreign land, the only identification you have is the passport. Your whole identity is centralised on that small booklet. Now imagine you lose it, or it gets damaged. Having a photocopy of it will help you. In line with that again, always memorise your passport number since you will be writing it oftenly. It’s unwise to be pulling it out every time you want the number.

Do travel with cash

Not all places or countries use ATMs. So no matter how much you have in your bank account, it won’t be easy to use it. Again, make sure you are carrying valuable currency in that area or country. Imagine travelling with the South African Rand to a country like Turkey. You won’t be able to use it because over there, it’s not one of the mediums of exchange. Hence, it’s important to know the type of currencies to carry to avoid such problems.

Do have a relaxing time

Whether you are travelling because of business, work or even a vacation, never forget to have fun. Being in a different environment helps with your creativity since it opens your mind to different lifestyles. You wouldn’t want to travel to China and not taste their food. Or travel to Africa and not visit the Safaris. It would be unfortunate for someone to spend most of their time on their mobile phones scrolling through Facebook and Instagram. Travelling is a time to experience a different environment or atmospheres. Always have fun whenever you travel. You owe it to yourself.



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